Supporting Our Communities
At Sam’s, we take great pride in supporting the communities we serve. We receive many requests to support charitable causes, and while community support is an important part of our mission, the volume of requests we receive far exceeds our financial capabilities. Having a request form is our way of more fairly dividing the amount we are able to contribute.
Please download and fill out this form, and then return it to us in any of these ways:
Email your request as an attached Word document to: info@samsitalian.com.
Fax it to (207) 782-3827.
Drop it off at any Sam’s location.
Mail your completed request to: Sam’s Italian Foods, 268 Main Street, Lewiston, ME 04240
Thank you for reaching out!
Requests must be received at least one week prior to the event.
Due to volume, we are not able to respond to all requests.